A Statistical Analysis of Android Issues

I was recently researching an issue with Android phones – the oft-requested ability to record a phone call – and found that this has been an issue in Android since March of 2009 and remains classified as “New.” In fact, most of the issues in the top 1000 (according to users) remains classified as new and has not been allocated to any developers.

Thus, I started wondering about the various Android issues and their relative importance to users and developers. I downloaded the list of the top 1000 issues (in CSV format) – according to the number of stars – and analyzed these results.

Here is what I found out:

  • 63% of issues are more than one year old (12% of issues are over two years old!)
  • 86% of issues are listed as “new” (instead of “assigned” or “needsinfo” or others)
  • 10% of issues are assigned to a person
  • Average age of issues is 431 days (1 year, 2 months)
  • Average defect age is 457 days (1 year, 3 months)
  • Average enhancement request age is 543 days (1 year, 6 months)
  • Reviewed items were the oldest on average, with reviewed defects at 550 days and reviewed enhancements at 749 days.

When you rank the items by the number of stars (user importance) per day (age) some very interesting things come out. The most important issues in this ranking are the following:

  1. Change refund time in Android Market (issue #13116) – 32 days old
  2. Arabic Language Support (issue #5597) – 386 days old
  3. Nexus S reboots during an active call (issue #13674) – 8 days old
  4. Ability to limit Internet access (issue #10481) – 149 days old
  5. IPSEC VPN compatible with Cisco VPNs (issue #3902) – 484 days old
  6. Poor browser performance (issue #13404) – 19 days old
  7. Google Docs support on Android (issue #1865) – 714 days old

These items show one of two things – probably both – that either what users think is important is irrelevant to Google, or alternately, that the items are acted on and the issues tracking list ignored. People commenting on the issues are routinely asking where the Google responses are.

Another interesting item came up during statistical analysis: not one item (in the top 1000) which was listed as requested by a user or by a developer was listed with a status of Assigned or with a status of Reviewed. There were other items, but these were not listed as requested by either a user or a developer – and many of these were assigned or reviewed (or, indeed, Unassigned). I can only guess at the true meaning of this; it suggests that Google only acts when an issue comes from within Google.

In all, this statistical exercise would have been much more exciting if it weren’t for the disappointing results. I did check the main page to see if Google’s main page for Android in Google Code was obsolete; no such statement was anywhere to be found.

Rising from the Ashes: OpenIndiana Continues OpenSolaris Open Source Legacy

Several weeks ago, Oracle declared that it would no longer be releasing code to the open source community as it was developed, as well as cutting off communication with the OpenSolaris Governing Board (and thus, the community). The Illumos project was created to continue the kernel development; in the same arena, OpenIndiana now continues the open source ideals with an open version of OpenSolaris under the Illumos Project banner.

Downloads are already available, although it is not yet recommended for production use.

I find the prospects of OpenIndiana exciting; this project is separate from Oracle, who cannot be relied upon for any support of open source. With a serious community behind it, OpenIndiana could very well be a way for shops to run the very capable Solaris environment without having to succumb to a costly support contract before they can afford it. It also allows individuals to run a version of Solaris with current features, quick bug fixes, and more software.

In spite of the general demise of OpenSolaris as a driving force, the times are exciting for the Solaris-based community.

OpenSolaris is Officially Dead

We saw this coming.

As of 23 August 2010, the OpenSolaris Governing Board (OGB) has stepped down; Ben Rockwood posted the resolution on his blog.

Oracle’s previous email to staff shows that Oracle has no interest in keeping OpenSolaris going, and now there is no one minding the store.

The next step lies with Illumos, the new torch-bearer for open source Solaris. Nexenta, the commercial UNIX based on OpenSolaris and a GNU userland will probably be the first to use Illumos (the project has close ties to Nexenta) – and Belenix may be next, although Belenix development seems to be quite slow (there is no corporate sponsorship and the community seems to be small). Belenix has the tougher problem, as they use a Solaris-based userland.

Oracle Sues Google Over Java on Android

Oracle – now having purchased Sun – has sued Google over their custom Java virtual machine for the Android mobile platform. In doing so, Oracle has sent reverberations throughout the open source and Java communities.

Google took the Java APIs and enhanced and changed them – then created a virtual machine (called Dalvik) which runs a custom format executable. This was part of the Android software when it was introduced in November 2007, and there were many complaints about Google’s treatment of Java – including complaints from Sun itself. Google’s response at the time to Sun’s complaints was:

Google and the other members of the Open Handset Alliance are working to help solve fragmentation and supporting the developer community by creating Android, a mobile platform that responds to the needs of the developers, has the backing of industry leaders, and will be available as open source under a nonrestrictive license.

To break that statement down, Google was saying:

  • The Open Handset Alliance (not the Java Community Process or JCP) should be the Java stewards for mobile Java.
  • Android (and Android Java) responds to the needs of the developers.
  • Android is backed by industry.
  • Android is available as open source.
  • Android is available under a nonrestrictive license.
  • Java 2 Mobile Edition (J2ME) has none of these capabilities.

Don’t miss the fact that Google created the Open Handset Alliance at the same time, and serves mainly as a source for Android – though it has in recent days been seen as useless by some.

Sun (now Oracle) has had a mobile version of Java (known as J2ME) since before Android existed – but Google bypassed it (and the Java Community Process or JCP) when it created its own JVM. Dalvik executables, in fact, are created from Java binaries, thus involving Java itself in the process of creation and development.

It appears that Google’s Android Java implementation was a direct attack on the JCP and on J2ME. To use J2ME, Google would have had to license it, as it was not available under a license that would have allowed commercial closed-source development: it was under the GPL, but without the classpath exemption that the J2SE had. Because of this lack of the classpath exemption, any development on the standard J2ME platform would have to be released as source code under the GPL.

This action by Oracle fits perfectly into its public persona: consider that Sun’s Chief Open-Source Officer, Simon Phipps, was not even offered a position at Oracle at all. He is or was on the advisory boards for OpenSolaris, OpenJDK, and OpenSparc. Other distinguished Sun engineers have left, including Kohsuke Kawaguchi (chief developer of Hudson), Charles Nutter and Thomas Enobo (both lead developers of JRuby), Tim Bray (Director of Web Technologies – which includes Java and JRuby), and James Gosling (creator of Java). It is notable that all of these people except Simon Phipps are luminaries in the Java realm at Sun. It is as if the Java engineers left wholesale once Oracle was about to take over.

Coverage of the lawsuit has been extensive. Stephen Shankland over at CNet has a story about why Oracle may have chosen to sue. Stephen O’Grady over at RedMonk may have one of the best in-depth analyses of this conflict out there. Groklaw has committed to following the lawsuit through the courts, and has an excellent introductory piece on the lawsuit. Steven Vaughn-Nichols suggests that this lawsuit is only the beginning, and that JBoss, Apache Jakarta, and the JCP better watch out (though I disagree).

From when Google introduced Android and its associated virtual machine, Dalvik, Stefano Mazzochi had one of the most complete explanations of what Google was doing and its implications.

The Death of OpenSolaris Confirmed

Recently, I posted about the future of OpenSolaris and the lack of response from Oracle.

Oracle still has no official response, and has no word on where OpenSolaris is going. However, a memo to Oracle Engineering was leaked and then posted to the OpenSolaris Discussion mailing list (osol-discuss) and was later confirmed by an Oracle employee to the mailing list.

William Yang has a nice write-up on the memo and its salient points; in short:

  • Oracle will no longer let OpenSolaris track Solaris development.
  • Solaris code will stay under the CDDL license.
  • “OpenSolaris” as a distribution will no longer be released.
  • Code will only be released after Solaris is released.

Also interesting is Oracle’s reasons for closing down OpenSolaris:

  • Not enough man-power.
  • Releases Solaris technology to competitors.
  • Prevents users from using Solaris.

Oracle has never been a popular company; most Oracle DBAs in my experience have never been happy with Oracle’s support or licensing, for example. This contrasts with Sun, which has always had a positive image.

In the area of open source, Oracle has always been a champion of closed source, in contrast with Sun which had been a positive open source champion. As a result of this, we are seeing more and more open source projects by Sun either closed down or changed into closed source: consider the closing of Project Kenai (a SourceForge-like site for open source projects), the fears over the future of MySQL, and the death of OpenSolaris.

The OpenSolaris experience under Oracle has echos in MySQL: Monty Widenius, the founder of MySQL, was quite vocal in his opposition to the Oracle purchase of Sun, and expressed his fear that MySQL would become closed source. Perhaps his experience with SAP and MaxDB had something to do with that – MaxDB had been released under the GPL through 7.6, when it was returned back into SAP and became closed source once again.

About the time that Oracle announced its purchase of Sun, Monty began the GPL-licensed version of MySQL, MariaDB which has taken hold, and the European Union mandated that MySQL shall remain dual-licensed. I wonder if MySQL’s fate would have been similar to OpenSolaris if it had not been for Monty.

It would be interesting to track the other open source projects now under Oracle’s umbrella:

  • Java (and OpenJDK), and its add-ons
  • Glassfish (J2EE)
  • MySQL
  • NetBeans
  • Lustre file system

Oracle’s Plans for OpenSolaris Murkier than Ever

The controversy around the future of OpenSolaris has been building to a fever pitch these last few weeks, most recently leading to the creation of Illumos, a new open source kernel tree based on the open source portions of OpenSolaris.

Way back in July of 2009, Steven Vaughn-Nichols suggested that OpenSolaris would wither on the vine through deliberate neglect by Oracle – and this seems to be happening (whereas his prediction of the same treatment for MySQL and VirtualBox seems to be misplaced). Then in February of 2010, Ben Rockwood wrote an open letter to Oracle about the future of Solaris and OpenSolaris.

Oracle’s most recent response (during an interview with ServerWatch) has been to state that development on Solaris continues apace, and that Solaris 11 is due out by the end of 2011. Most notable was the lack of any discussion on the future of OpenSolaris.

A few months ago, the OpenSolaris Governing Board – in effect, the people in charge of the details of operating the OpenSolaris community and its resources – are willing to resign en masse if Oracle does not talk to them; Peter Tribble (a member of the OpenSolaris Governing Board) talks about this action in his blog.

I agree with those that say that Oracle can do what it likes, and the threat made by the board is empty – not because of the threat itself, but because it will accomplish nothing, and has no effect on Oracle. If Oracle wants OpenSolaris to go away, it doesn’t matter what the OpenSolaris community thinks. The Governing Board simply has no leverage with Oracle.

No word on how this action will affect Belenix; while Nexenta is basically the OpenSolaris kernel plus a Debian/GNU userland, Belenix is an OpenSolaris kernel plus a mostly Solaris userland. The primary founder of Belenix (Moinak Ghosh) is on the OpenSolaris board; one of the other developers (Sriram Narayanan?) blogged about the board’s action shortly after it was taken in July. Perhaps Belenix would use the Illumos kernel as well?

However, the prospect of OpenSolaris living on in the form of Illumos is promising, and technologies that are part of the open source OpenSolaris will not be lost. Nexenta has already stated its interest in Illumos; this is perhaps because Nexenta relies on OpenSolaris (with its now doubtful future) for its kernel. Thus, it is perhaps no surprise that a Nexenta engineer is the driving force behind Illumos, and neither is it a surprise that Illumos is currently a kernel only.

So now – how long before we see a Debian/Illumos project? Or is that Nexenta now?

The Advent of NoSQL

The concept of “NoSQL” (that is, non-relational databases) is more of a phenomenon than you might think. The NoSQL Live conference will take place on March 11, 2010, put on by the people behind MongoDB, a non-relational database.

In June 2009, a number of folks gathered in San Francisco to discuss the various NoSQL technologies (such as Cassandra, Voldemort, CouchDB, MongoDB, and HBase). Johan Oskarsson has an article about the meeting, with videos and presentations from the presenters.

ComputerWorld took note of the event, discussing NoSQL and how Amazon.com and Google are using non-relational databases for their data stores. Likewise, too, Facebook converted to non-relational databases.

Digg posted a nice article that talks about their conversion from MySQL to Cassandra, showing how they came to the point of considering non-relational databases.

Possibly the oldest non-relational database is non other than MUMPS (or M). This includes GT.M (open source) and Intersystems Cache. Long before relational databases came on the scene, MUMPS was running and saving data – and it continues to this day, working hard in finance and healthcare settings.

Over at nosql-database.org, they claim to be the Ultimate Guide to the Non-Relational Universe. This may be true; certainly they have an extensive list of links to noSQL articles, and a list of NoSQL events.

The NoSQL world has been covered by Dave Rosenberg, who noted the upcoming NoSQL Live event in his discussion of real-world use of non-relational databases. Dave had reported earlier about the pervasiveness of non-relational databases in the cloud.

Now to go read some more about NoSQL…

Software Bugs: Good or Bad?

Recently, Karl Fogel wrote about bugs and “technical debt” – as a response to a mailing list thread about the future of Subversion in 2010. This resonates with me as I recently found myself struggling with bugs in Ubuntu to find that they would not be fixed (in my case, it was the lack of embedded ROM code for a USB-serial adapter – normally included with the Linux kernel).

Karl’s article was then reported on by Joe Brockmeier of OStatic.

Much of this reporting makes me think of TeX, the typesetting system created by Donald Knuth, one of computing’s “founding fathers” (so to speak… despite coming on the scene later on.). TeX has remained unchanged except for bug fixes for several decades, and shows no sign of slowing down or dying, in contrast to what the articles report.

I also think of Ubuntu distributions contrasted with the Ubuntu LTS (“Long Term Support”) distributions – which mirrors the difference between Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is possible to have a system without bugs – or at least, with few bugs. Fixing the bugs in a rapid and constant fashion will improve the user experience, as well as build up the “Good Will” value of your name rather than being known for bugs that aren’t fixed.

A complaint often heard from users is that the “fix” for a problem a user of a commercial product has is to “upgrade to the new version” (normally with a substantial cost). This should not be the way things are done.

Bug removal should be primary, and solid reliable program operation number one. As a user – and a enterprise user – reliability is primary. A product which proves through history that bugs are second to upgrades and new features will not last long. This is the very reason that products like Ubuntu LTS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux exist.

I agree with several premises in Joe’s article on OStatic – that bug removal should not be the only focus, or that an increase in bug reports is not all bad. More bugs means more users are using the product, and provides a way to make the software more reliable. Users would much rather apply patches and update to a more reliable version than upgrade to something entirely new and with newly introduced bugs not yet fixed.

Subversion joins Apache

ApacheCon 2009 ended recently – and like other good conferences, there were a number of announcements of interest.

One of the interesting announcements was on 4 November 2009, when the Subversion project (currently hosted at Tigris.org) announced that they would become absorbed under the Apache Foundation umbrella as part of the Apache Incubator. (Subversion has an excellent online book available).

There doesn’t seem to be any licensing change. It should not affect other projects based on Subversion; most notably for this author is SVNKit, the Java-based client library – which, in theory at least, will run under OpenVMS with Java.

Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Once you hear what a NAS appliance does, you might be tempted to think (as I did) what all the fuss might be about. But there are reasons for a NAS appliance, though a NAS isn’t for everybody.

Network Attached Storage is nothing more than a server with a pile of disks and a dozen different ways to access them. For most intents and purposes, the difference between a File Server of yesteryear and the Network Attached Storage of today is conceptually rather minimal.

NAS typically provides access to files via such methods as Windows shares, NFS, iSCSI, Appleshare and others.

So what does a NAS appliance provide that a NFS server does not? There are several benefits:

  • Special purpose. Since the system is solely for the purpose of serving up files for users, there is no need for any other facilities except those that deal with its specified purpose. Thus, a lot of potentially vulnerable or unreliable code can be removed, and the speed and reliability of the system can be increased. Some systems do not come with a general purpose operating system of any kind, but rather a specially designed operating system for serving files alone.
  • Extensive support. In many cases, since the system is specifically designed for serving up file storage, the innumerable variations of network storage protocols come supported out of the box.
  • Ease of use. With the system designed to serve one purpose – and to provide the customer with the best possible experience – the system is generally made much easier to configure and easier to use than having to configure the varying servers and protocols independently.

There are two different NAS products that are the heavy-weights in the free and open source arena: FreeNAS (freenas.org) and OpenFiler (openfiler.com).

The most obvious difference between these two is their base (and their associated licenses). The base for FreeNAS is FreeBSD, and like FreeBSD, is licensed using the BSD license. However, OpenFiler uses Linux as its base, and is likewise covered by the General Public License version 2.

This week, I’ll focus on FreeNAS with the assistance of a book entitled Learning FreeNAS by Gary Sims and published by Packt Publishing.

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